Shawna was born on 5/18/1980 in St. Paul, NE to proud parents Emmett “Dale” and Patricia (Kolar) Marker. In August 1980 the family moved to Trenton, NE to follow job opportunities. On 10/31/1980, tragedy struck when her father died in a work accident which eventually resulted in relocation to St. Paul. Shawna was welcomed with open arms into a new family and a “dad” when her mother married Dennis Harvey on 2/5/1983. Six months later, when asked by the judge at an adoption hearing if she wanted Dennis to be her dad she proudly and loudly said “Yes”. The family lived in Newman Grove, NE until Memorial Day weekend of 1986 when they moved to Chapman, NE and then moved to Lincoln, NE on the day after Christmas 1986. In Lincoln, Shawna attended Arnold elementary school, Dawes middle school, and Northeast high school. In January 1993 at the age of 12, Shawna was diagnosed with Type 1 juvenile diabetes which proved to be a never-ending and unbeatable challenge for her. Despite her diabetic challenges and doctors warnings, she was able to successfully carry and give birth to her pride and joy, her daughter Alyssa DeeAnne Kittok, born on 8/20/2003. When her health allowed, she worked at various retirement and assisted living facilities and in the home health care field helping elderly and disabled people live to their full potential. Following years of diabetic challenges and other health issues, Shawna reluctantly said good-bye to employment as a care-giver, but continued to be the best mother, daughter, sister, friend, and overall best person she could possibly be. She will be deeply missed and fondly remembered by everyone she leaves behind.