Gregory Scott Mertz, 64, of Lincoln, passed away August 16, 2021. Born October 11, 1956 in Des Moines, IA. to John and Phyllis (Travis) Mertz. Retired Air Force.
No services planned at this time.
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It is with great sadness to hear of the passing of a great man, Greg. He was a good friend, talented musician, a fun coworker, and a great human being. Heaven has gained a new member for the band. You are deeply missed my friend. Thank you for the memories and your music will live forever . Jam out brother!
– John Espinosa
Where did you go my friend? all of a sudden you were gone! You have a strong belief in God, so what a journey you must be on. Our passion in our beliefs and our love of music caused us to hit it off, the one thing we never did-thanks to my shoulders-was play a round of golf. Road trips to Colorado we talked a lot in the car, you really educated me on that thing we call a guitar. If we had met 40 yrs ago my life would not be the same, we would have been life-long buddies in spite of me miss-spelling your name. Everyone you touched came away with a higher gauge, go with God my friend and jam on that heavenly stage. Ben Ben
– Ben Mares
Greg was a gregarious, tall, and larger than life guy. I made many trips with him on the KC-135R. He, like me, liked to learn about the places we visited. One trip that stands out was Thailand in 1999. It was the first time I’d been in Thailand since 1970 and it felt good to be back. Greg and I toured together and sampled a variety of Thai foods. Greg was a fun guy with a positive attitude. He was a skilled aircraft mechanic and an outstanding musician. A one of a kind. He is now at peace and will be greatly missed.
– Lang W. Anderson III
Losing Greg is huge vaccuum in my world musically and in the loss if a friend. He collaborated with me on 2 cds and we were nearly finished. I am reciering with difficulty from a surgery, thus my minimal response to date. Hooe to be more engaged at a future time.
– Ralph Wall
Greg, you have always been like my brother. I can’t even imagine a world without you in it. I will miss your big hugs and even bigger smile. Rest in peace and I will see you again some day. All of my love. Sheri (Diekman) Biggs
– Sheri (Diekman) Biggs
Greg took four of us up for a flight in a little Piper Cub out of the Millard Airport. Greg may have been the tallest but he was the second heaviest person on board. It was a lovely late afternoon. We powered up and had a smooth slow ascension into the sky. I had flown in small planes before but as I sat in the back seat I could not help but “feel” the plane was running heavy and could see the Orange Balls that are placed upon power lines dead ahead. Greg slowly turned back to us with his grinning head nod. I really was not sure if he was going to take an option to go OVER or UNDER the power lines. Either option would have worked for me. We got over but OMG a little bit more comfort zone would have been nice. OH Well; we landed safely so just another successful flight. Gregory Bubbert
– Gregory Bubbert
Doug and Family, sorry for your loss my friend. Prayers from our family to yours. Kim Dreher
– Kim Dreher
Greg was like a big brother to me. He was there for me in bad times and made the good times even better. We shared a love for music, airplanes, cars, and traveling. My heart is deeply saddened. He was my closest and best friend. It was just three weeks ago he ask me to help him build a kit car with him. I look back at all the trips we took together, the fun and great laughs we shared over the many years we were friends. He will forever be in my heart. My prayers go out to all his family and friends. Ricky Kaarstad
– Ricky Kaarstad
Greg was my best friend. We clicked right away. He made work tolerable for me. We laughed every single day! We talked about retirement a lot. We retired, and it was all we hoped it would be!! I will miss you Greg. Until we meet again.. Bob out Bob Wilson
– Bob Wilson
I was a co-worker with Greg at Offutt Air Force Base for a while until he retired from there. He truly made work fun each night when we were there and we laughed often! Greg was a GREAT guy and always super fun to be around. I also golfed with him and Tim Rogan a few times. Heaven gained an AWESOME person and will be missed by many including myself. Gone too soon! REST IN PEACE GREG!! Mike Burley
– Mike Burley
Hard to believe Greg is gone. I met him January 13 2003 and had the pleasure of considering him as a very good friend. Golf and rock and roll were always enjoyed with Greg and I´m going to miss him greatly. Tim Rogan
– Tim Rogan
I met Greg at Offutt. I didn´t know him as well as others., We did golf together a few time and had a few beers together. he left a mark on a lot of life´s he will be missed the world lost a great one!! Bob Hills
– Bob Hills

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