The Everyday Heroes Among Us

We have all heard stories about people who have acted heroically. Either because they were at the right place at the right time or because they were following their convictions,

Here's to the heroes

We have all heard stories about people who have acted heroically. Either because they were at the right place at the right time or because they were following their convictions, the story of the hero usually ends with them saying the same thing: “I just did what anyone else would have done.” Most people don’t think of themselves as heroes, but in the eyes of those they have helped, a hero is exactly what they are. Whether it’s saving a life or saving time to make someone feel seen, the long-lasting impact one person has on another is what ultimately defines what a hero is. For those people who have changed our life or the lives of others, Roper & Sons’ presents our Here’s to the Heroes award.

According to Merriam Webster, the definition of a hero is “a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.” When it comes to everyday heroes, we can probably think of many individuals who have gone out of their way to be there for us in one way or another. Those are the heroes we want to spotlight and give recognition for the great work they are doing and the great people that they are.

Qualities of a Hero

There are many ways to describe the qualities we see in people we consider to be heroes. Most are honest, helpful, and protective. Some of the main qualities we see in the characters of the everyday heroes are:

  • Displays acts of bravery or courage
  • Is determined to make a difference
  • Offers to help without being asked
  • Inspires others
  • Is selfless and chooses others over themselves
  • Has moral integrity
  • Is concerned about the well-being of others

Heroes are people whose personal values give them the strength and self-confidence to find ways to help others. They are focused more on their convictions than the challenges that may come their way and their help is offered with positivity and compassion.

Actions of heroes don’t have to be extraordinary, but they may feel extraordinary to the person who benefits. Actions can be as simple as stopping by to check on an elderly neighbor on a daily basis because they have no family nearby. Or maybe it’s someone who is socially conscious and wants to help those who need a little support. Acts of kindness are on display all the time. We just have to see them.

Who is your Hero?

We read stories every day about the heroes that run into burning buildings or save lives amidst tragedies, but our personal heroes often do things that go unnoticed. They could be a neighbor, a caregiver, a teacher, a family member – the list is endless. Take a moment to think about someone who has impacted your life. Someone who has given selflessly and made your life better in some way.

Roper and Sons is offering a way to recognize your hero publicly. Say “Thank You” by nominating them for our annual Here’s to the Heroes award. You can find more information and a link to the nomination form on the Roper & Sons website. Nominees must be residents of Lincoln. The deadline to submit a nomination is September 22, 2023.

There are heroes all around us.

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