COVID-19 Procedures

Roper & Sons cares about the health and wellness of everyone who comes through our doors. How we can protect one another.We are closely monitoring the Centers for Disease Control

COVID-19 Funeral Planning

Roper & Sons cares about the health and wellness of everyone who comes through our doors.

How we can protect one another.

We are closely monitoring the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and World Health Organization’s statements regarding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and following guidelines from these agencies and our local health departments.

We sincerely encourage each person to make your decision whether to attend a service or visitation based on the best interest of your health and that of your community.

  • Roper and Sons will comply with the CDC recommendations.
  • Visitors are asked to use sanitizing supplies (e.g., hand sanitizer) provided in the public areas.
  • Visitors are asked to implement and observe social distancing measures and maintain personal hygiene.
  • Visitors who have recently traveled out of the country are asked to forgo the visitation.

Eye contact, loving words, and a warm smile can be as meaningful as a traditional handshake or hug.

  • Visitors who live with someone exhibiting symptoms or who are exhibiting symptoms themselves are asked to forgo the visitation. Symptoms include:
    • Fever
    • Cough
    • Shortness of Breath

Visitors who are at high risk, such as vulnerable seniors or those with significant underlying conditions, are asked to forgo the visitation.

  • All visitors are asked to generally minimize person-to-person contact, practice good hygiene, and minimize touching commonly contacted surfaces.

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